With Christmas, a trip to France and a visit to the Darts at Lakeside, I’ve experienced quite a bit of manouvering over the past few weeks on my crutches. Here’s what I’ve found…
Good Things:
- Service from the ferry company Brittany Ferries. We were parked right by a lift and two people came along to see me onto the ship with a wheelchair. It made things much much easier, although going through the self service canteen on a fairly swaying crossing was a bit tricky!
- Shopmobility! A trip to the shops at Farnborough was made possible by the fabulous Shopmobility service. I was registered there and then and given my own motorised scooter (with basket!) to tootle round on. I felt quite self-conscious though and discovered that shops aren’t really designed with scooter riders in mind – lots was out of reach, I couldn’t get down some shop aisles and felt very cumbersome in a cafe. But still – the scooter was ace and even got me over snow-ridden pavements!

- People opening doors for you – these are often the trickiest things to do, particularly with heavy doors, and plenty of people offered to help me. Good eggs, all of you!
Bad Things:
- Drunk people. I was a bit scared at times at the darts of all the crowds of people swaying about. In one near-miss a very inebriated man swayed about a metre either side of what was a straight walk to the door of the smoking area outside. He very nearly got me! Luckily, I’m well sharp on my sticks so managed to dodge him!!
- Snow and Ice. Scary. Slippety.
- People can hear you coming – you may as well put a bell round your neck cos the rhythmic clack-clack of walking with crutches is a pure giveaway!
- Sneezing whilst trying to walk on crutches does not an elegant manouevre make. Knee spasm, pain and wobbles.
[Via http://ckrandom.wordpress.com]
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